Friday, December 08, 2006


some advice i received:

"never be with someone and think you're going to (1) love him right or (2) change him in any way."

it's true.

and we learn it the hard way.

in light of recent conversations with gfs, i feel like many are trapped in relationships. trying to love him until he responds or waiting until he grows out of who he is now into something better.

and darlings, sometimes love isn't enough.

know when to stay. but more importantly, know when to leave.

always easier said. especially this coming from someone who stayed two years too long in a relationship with the wrong guy that was going nowhere (both the guy and the relationship). we all have our illusions, and i held on to mine.

and when you do let go, you will be free and hopeful. a day will come when you will love and just love. your heart will thank you.

please note: the above is a general statement and is not specifically applicable to the bf and our relationship. any resemblances to actual persons, ex-boyfriends and otherwise, or places are overt and intentional.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey sweetie! thanks for your advice the other night. totally worked. I'm a happy girl again, but much more relaxed and chilled out. it's a good thing. ;)