Saturday, February 27, 2010


whew. what a week.

tonight is our first night alone in our new house since we moved in last saturday.

that's right.

the MIL and her bf came to stay with us, starting from friday night.

here are some things i just want to get out in the open, even though i claim to be over it:

1. please don't go into an empty guest room, grab a white bath mat off the floor, and use it as a doormat
2. why would you remove the child-proof locks from the cabinets under the kitchen sink?
3. i get that you're on vacation, but please try not to rub in my face how you've gotten to try the spa and outdoor fireplace before we do
4. don't. touch. my. stuff
5. i don't expect you to do my laundry, but when you run your swimsuit in the dryer and don't ask if there is anything else we have to throw in there, i will get angry
6. go ahead. fill our fridge with your favorite foods and drink
7. park your car in the carport. it is obviously more important than mine
8. leave food on the counter. there are no bugs or varmints in arizona
9. i understand that you were thinking of us when you bought two patio chairs. i just i could have picked them out
10. i thought it was just normal courtesy to ask before mounting speaker shelves on the wall

goodness. so glad to have our home back.

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