Sunday, July 25, 2010


i have been down lately. not sure if it's hormones or workload or lack of exercise or what.

but it's true.

the husband said to me last night, "you've been a glass half empty person lately, and it doesn't seem like you."

and i know it.

i just can't seem to pull myself out of it. i've been turning to retail therapy. friend therapy. busywork.

the plus side is that this weekend i wrote out all our remaining wedding thank yous, filed all my paperwork, picked up everything i need to finish some birthday favors, reconciled my receipts, and made iced tea. mm!

the downer is that i'm still not me.

hoping that the dark cloud above me passes soon.

1 comment:

Guacaholic said...

Hugs to you! I know those dark cloud funks very well, and they're never fun. This too shall pass.