Wednesday, August 29, 2007


dinner with a tonight.

date night at gigi's, which means a pizza and a bottle of wine for $20.

can't beat it.

and you really cannot beat a night out with a.

she is my special little girl, with the eyes of an angel and the voice of a forty year-old, chain-smoking divorc

she at times makes me both laugh and cry, and she exudes a wisdom beyond her years.

she is my level-head, the one who tells me that the bf and i are great together.

not only because she means it, but because she knows it.

and i, in turn, believe her.

for an emotional, pms-ing, bloated girl, she is like midol plus.

thank goodness for a.

1 comment:

Whiskeymarie said...

I used to have an a of my own.
We don't hang out anymore.
I miss her.
Again, sigh.