Wednesday, October 10, 2007


oh my.

a whole station dedicated to me.

i don't know if i deserve it.

when i was growing up, i would have killed to be a katie or a kelly.

but a sophie?! the horror. my best friends (katie, kelly, and emily) didn't seem to mind.

i could never find the personalized sticker books, journals, or mugs. and at a time when things mattered, custom things made you a star. and help me, i was always the girl with the best things.

as i got older, i stared to appreciate the uniqueness. i grew into my name. i like the uncommonality.

except now my battle has come full circle: countless little girls share my name.

and it's tough.

at least now there are plenty of things.


Christa said...

i've always liked the name sophie. there was an aunt sophie who was gone before i came along, but frequently mentioned. she always seemed to do interesting things.

my parents thought they invented my name, then in first grade there was another girl with the same name, except spelled krista.

i, too, missed out on all the glittery name stickers. my best friends were all katies, kate, kelly, molly ...

Whiskeymarie said...

Yeah, I had that problem too. No one makes sparkly pencils for children that say Whiskey.
Actually, my real name can be spelled several different ways, and my spelling never seemed to be the one that made the cut.
I like Sophie too. I would have loved to be a Sophie growing up.