Tuesday, December 25, 2007


merry day to all.

the end of the year is reflective for me. i look back. fall. daylight savings.

things i have learned this year:

1. breathe out. let go. close your eyes.

2. even when you think you can talk about everything, you might find that the hardest thing to talk about is the thing that matters the most.

3. sometimes you can feel at home at work. you can actually love what you do, even if you don't act like it all the time.

4. when all else fails, break into song.

5. friends are people. they will make mistakes. you will forgive them because you will make mistakes too.

6. your parents can still move you to tears even when you're thirty.

7. as you get older, you might get more obsessive. more compulsive. less lovable. and that's okay.

8. your little brothers aren't so little anymore.

9. treat yourself to a new top, new earrings, a greeting card organizer. you deserve it.

10. you will love him no matter what, no matter where. forever.

it's been a great year for me.

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