Sunday, November 12, 2006

the hunt


sums up exactly how i feel. three days of doing absolutely nothing, letting my mind drift to neutral.

thursday morning we spent getting me ready for hunting. groooowwwwwl.

a tank top, a long sleeved t-shirt, a vest with a hood, a black coat with a fur-trimmed hood, a blaze orange sweatshirt with a hood, two pairs of socks, heavy boots, a scarf, a wool hat and mittens later, i was finally ready (read: really nervous).

50% of the material wasn't mine.

we drove and parked. got out of the car. trees everywhere. we started walking.

the bf motioned for me to come along, but i stayed about 10 paces behind him, just in case.

the hardest part about hunting isn't braving the cold. it is the hours and hours of forced silence.

i started to enjoy our "hunt." it seemed to me more like a leisurely amble along railroad tracks. i stopped and played with some rocks. i tried hard to look for deer, but neither my short attention span nor my fear of actually seeing the bf shoot something let up enough to try that hard.

the bf would turn around every couple of minutes and wave his arm in a "let's go" motion, and i would do something dumb like mimic godzilla trampling everything in my wake. arrrrrrgh.

then the bf stopped.

he whispered, "we're going to wait here until it gets dark."

"no!" i whispered loudly.

i hate nature in the dark. the trees are menacing and my mighty imagination drives me crazy.

but the bf would have none of it. so we waited.

it turned dark quickly, to my relief.

we started the walk back to the car. once inside, i said, "that was fun!"

because, surprisingly, it was.

i yapped happily the whole way home.

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