Tuesday, August 07, 2007


yesterday i took a summer day.

i pulled up to 50th and france and wondered about the cars.

don't people have to work?

and then i saw the pairs of ladies walking around.

ladies who lunch! and i am one of them.

special and i blissed out over tamales and iced tea at tejas.

we shopped around. waved around money neither of us had.

i tried on a dress.

a white dress @ grethen house.netc.

peter cohen. on sale. it fit perfectly. i felt beautiful.

i put it back.

too caught up in dictionary.com's 8.05.07 word of the day.*

*if you want to find out, you will have to do some sherlocking, but i trust that you won't.

1 comment:

Christa said...

found it! ;)