Wednesday, August 09, 2006

love it

"some nights we just like to fight."

the scenario: club monaco, mall of america, two crazy kids in love on a mission
the set-up: one crazy girl trying to find the perfect 'evening casual' (aka 'what the f?') outfit for her ten-year reunion.

act i: girl tries on mock-neck, open-back, black tunic. decides she loves it before she walks out of the dressing room.
act ii: boy comments on the top, shrugs, continues to flip through magazine.
act iii: girl tries on black polka-dot, capped-sleeve shirt, decides she likes it but is not won over.
act iv: boy tears himself away from magazine long enough to rave about the shirt.
act v: girl tries on drapey, open-back, cinched waist mustard dress. hates it with a passion.
act vi: boy agrees. starts to look disinterested.
act vii: girl tries on high-neck, open-back, belted black dress. feels like audrey hepburn with hips.
act viii: boy comments that the dress looks good, but is not wow. notes that he doesn't know what girl is going for.
act ix: girl says she only goes for wow.
act x: boy eyes the exit and looks hungry. looks expectantly at girl and tells her to get the black tunic.
act xi: girl buys the black top she loves.

the scenario: green bullet, highway 62W, two crazy kids cranky and full of junk food
the set-up: talking amidst prince music playing

girl: i like the top i bought. i knew i wanted it before i came out of the dressing room.
boy: it's a nice top.
girl: you don't like it, but that's okay.
boy: i liked it! why don't you believe me when i tell you that? why do you think i'm always trying to humor you?

subsequently, the most ridiculous fight ensued. we were fighting about liking or not liking a top, for f's sake. i sure hope it wasn't the arby's.

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