Friday, August 11, 2006


driving downtown is a nightmare.

1. i'd like to think that it's because i just started a new job, but the truth is i lose my car in parking ramps a lot. this includes, but is not limited to: a) walking in the wrong direction of the ramp, b) walking into the wrong parking ramp, c) talking to someone and forgetting where i am, and/or d) not remembering which level i am parked on.
2. the police "control" traffic flow out of ramps in the evening rush hour. i almost hit one because i didn't see him. he was mad. he was more mad because i was on the phone at the time.
3. people never know where they are going downtown. traffic is always slow, meaning it can take you 20 minutes to get through downtown.
4. the one-ways are confusing. and lord help you if you need to change lanes due to an illegally parked truck in your lane or cross multiple lanes to turn.
5. people are everywhere and they are either 1. moving so quickly they appear as flashes, or ghost people as i like to call them, or 2. moving so slowly you can literally watch them age as they cross the street.
6. the parking ramps are expensive, and are inversely related to the distance from work. i don't know how they managed that. when i park across the street, i pay $15/day. when i park 3 blocks away, i pay $8/day. if i ever get desperate and park 10 blocks away, i will pay $5/day. bastards.
7. parking ramps only take cash or checks as payment. since i never carry cash and am running out of checks, i am usually completely screwed.
8. "running to your car" is out of the question. leave something in your car or need to run home for something? don't even think about it, sweetheart. it's not worth it.
9. morning traffic is a bitch because 62w to 35w north is one lane. one lane, people.

ahhh. nothing like a good rant to end your workweek. tgif!

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