Thursday, August 10, 2006


the bf and i are back together.

the suspense was killing you, wasn't it? we actually never broke up, we made up that evening (if you know what i mean, wink wink), but i waited a day to tell you.

the great thing about us is that we usually do not have the same fight twice. with the amazing wonders of 1. his patience and 2. his rational personality we avoid big blowouts due to my 1. sensitivity and 2. tendency to flee when frightened.

that is not to say that we both don't work very hard to make this relationship work, just that he works a little bit harder.

i am a dreamer, and i tend to think big ideas out loud. he has the same playful qualities that i do, tempered with good doses of reality. who else would let me hump their leg for a full minute without telling me to get off? who else buys me root beer popsicles and mini chips ahoy cookies? who else would wake up at 5am to watch hot air balloons go up in wisconsin? a guy who likes great sex, that's who. oh, and a laid-back, even-keeled guy like the bf.

we balance. in the wise words of marisa tomei (read: i love her) in untamed heart, "he don't make sense, i don't make sense, together we make sense." but you have to say it the way she does in the movie, otherwise it sounds stupid.

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