Monday, January 08, 2007


went to the government center over lunch.

had to renew my driver's license.

my current was stolen, joke's on the stealer.

after waiting for twenty minutes, my c258 was auto-voice called.

everything went swimmingly. until the photo.

i cannot stop my head from tilting at an angle for any photo opportunity.

that's right.

i pose.

surprised? i should think not.

the "photographer" had me stand still.

i resisted.

he told me to keep my head straight ahead.

i whined.

he said to square my shoulders and lean up against the white board.

i grumbled.

it was torturous. i made him reshoot.

sigh [dramatic pause and wrist to forehead].

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to have my DL picture taken this weekend AND my passprt picture. I can't possibly NOT pose. It's the pageant girl in me!