Thursday, September 06, 2007

classic bf

the bf has a surefire way of being disappointed at restaurants.

his plan? he always orders what he feels like versus, say, the specialty of the cuisine.

what do i mean? i'll tell you.

i have several examples.

a. the scene: tejas, obviously of southwestern cuisine, the bf decides to order what? the tamale? no. the chop salad. and again, he is surprised when it is disappointing.

not enough, you say? who could get chop salad wrong?

b. the scene: salut, restaurant a la france. the bf orders the beef stroganoff daily special. it sounded good. but non, it was not good.

okay, okay, easy mistake. specials should be good.

c. the scene: little angie's cantina (in duluth!), dubbed fajitaville. i order the enchiladas. the bf's mom orders the taco salad. the bf orders the buffalo chicken wrap. think he liked it?

i could go on, but i'll spare you. just believe me.


Christa said...

the only thing i trust from angies is that margarita that is bigger than my head.

you can't go wrong.

Whiskeymarie said...

I've discovered that the only thing from Little Angie's that I like is the veggie fajitas. They're really good. And the chambord margaritas.
And you need to school that boy on ordering...

Maurey Pierce said...

HH and I were just at Tejas for our anniversary. We loved it. Dropped a wad of cash, though.