Thursday, May 29, 2008


my bro and his fiancée arrive tonight.

i am very excited to take them around.

there is an out of africa wildlife park in camp verde, arizona.

it sounds like fun, and i think my brother would go out of his mind with all the animals. he's the guy who loves national geographic and animal planet. the chasing. the top ten fights of all time. the migration patterns. all of it.

i also want to take him for dim sum at the golden buddha restaurant in the (ah-hem) chinatown of phoenix.

we also have an ulterior motive for bringing the bro down to phoenix. we need help buying some sort of router that will enable us to walk freely untethered throughout the apartment while still connected to that great source of entertainment, the internets. right now i am typing in my usual spot on the couch, anchored by my laptop. i yearn for the freedom of wireless internet. the bf insists we cannot buy a router without the aid of an expert. i can only guess it's because he will buy the least expensive router he can find while i will inevitably go for the one that matches our decor. amateurs.

that's about it for now - let's hear it for short work weeks! yippee!

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