Monday, February 25, 2008


no words today.

lots of threads running through my brain.

thoughts all cross-puzzled together.

i hope that you had a more straightforward day than me.

so the running joke at work lately has been that i have no heart.

a la:

"is there a scar where they took your heart out?"

"have you found your heart yet?"

"what's it like not to have a heart?"

my favorite retorts:

"i found my heart. it was run over by your car."

"i found my heart. it's in the garbage next to yours."

"i found my heart in arizona. it fills the grand canyon!"

i work very, very hard.


Guacaholic said...

Oh sweetie. You have LOADS of heart! Your coworkers have no clue.

Whiskeymarie said...

Ditto what Kate said.
We know. We get it. We adore you.