Sunday, May 16, 2010


i am trying not to lose it. i really want to keep it together this week. i really need this.

i went to the dentist this morning - regular cleaning but for the past three days my teeth and gums have been throbbing like holy h. no cavities. but because i have severe allergies here, i have been breathing out of my mouth while sleeping. hear? i am a mouth-breather.

so now, i can either try try try to control my allergies (it hasn't worked for 32 years, why would it work now?) or put vaseline on my gums at night (ew). yippee!

also, my mom has decided that this is the BEST time to ask me for our resort information as all of a sudden her friend's daughter also wants to plan her wedding in cabo. wtf? now?! why can't she let me have this moment?! all i ask is for. one. week.

plus, there is a last minute guest that is still UNDECIDED. listen lady, if you are undecided four days before the wedding, please don't make my life miserable by coming so that i have to freak out about place settings and placecards and upping the guest list. please. don't. attend.



Anonymous said...

Soph, Deep breaths, it will all work out and everything will be wonderful. You are going to be THE most beautiful bride. I am so very sad I won't be there.

Love you!

Guacaholic said...

I'm sending good thoughts your way! (I am in agreement with you regarding undecided guest. How rude!)