Tuesday, September 12, 2006



is what i initially wanted to post for today.

and then i laughed. and then i really wrote it. whatever.

so, i'm supposed to meet with the poker night girls tonight. i'm excited, we are going to meet baby girl m. i can't believe my friends are old enough to have babies. make, yes, but have?

i wonder if i'll ever feel ready. i feel like i could someday have a baby. i feel like i like practicing. i feel like one day i will wake up and perhaps want a little girl named simone (steal it and i will punch you) or a little boy named tbd [the bf likes the name vincent because: baby! you can call him vinni or vincent or vince! oh really?].

maybe someday. i just, and don't get all over me because i don't want to have stretch marks or leaky boobs, i just don't know if i want it all. i think i might actually enjoy the temporary breast enlargement. but what about the aftermath? i need my beauty sleep! have you seen me lately?! i'm tired! and i don't even have to breastfeed every 2 hours! and you know what sucks about that? there is no one else that can do what a mom does. scary. i suppose as long as i have one free arm to pour myself a glass of wine...wait a minute...you can't drink until you're done breastfeeding! what kind of deal is that?!

ugh. i'm tired just thinking about it.


Ulrika said...


I found your blog via the "Next blog"-button a while ago and I've been reading it almost daily ever since. I don't know why, our lives are not a bit alike... maybe that's why... I have no idea...

Anyway, since I have 3 kids, I just felt that I had to comment this one:

Since you think it's scary with the things that only mom can do, I want you to know, that the only thing that no one else can do is the pregnancy and the birth. If you don't like the idea with breastfeeding or if it, for some reason, wouldn't work: There's replacement that you can give in a bottle. And if you just want to take a day or an evning off, you can pump out the milk in advance and the daddy (or someone else) can give it to the baby. So don't worry! :o)

And, I sense that the whole child-thing lies a few years ahead, for you and the bf.
Maybe one day you realize that the time has come. It can happen, I know that for a fact! And hopefully it happens to the bf at about the same time :o)

I'll stop the babbling now....

I wish you and the bf all luck!

/Ulrika in Sweden

Anonymous said...

You are hil-arious.