Monday, September 25, 2006


the bf and i are engaged in a battle of wills.

i am pretty sure i will win.

last night, the bf made fun of my snappy retort (suitable for all occasions): whatever.

something about wit, yada yada, great comeback, something something.

usually, i am a sassbox. sometimes, a whatever is called for.

however, per the parameters of our verbal scrap, i am no longer allowed to use it when responding to his barbs.

we will count how many times i say whatever* and how many times he says, "you're something else."

variations on elements contained in "you're something else" include:

* you're
* you are
* you
* are
* something
* somethin
* else

i don't know how i will do it, but i will. it's just that, whatever speaks volumes. it is applicable to a whole range of emotions. how will i live without it? oh dear valley girl, what have i done?

*written whatevers do not count towards total.

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