Monday, June 11, 2007


perhaps because:

i snore. i live beyond my means. i refuse to admit defeat. i never truly believe i am wrong, even when i am. i laugh too loudly. i get gassy. i sometimes skip breakfast. i am stubborn. i want what i want. and i want it now. i am judgmental. i tend to be too compassionate when compassion is not warranted, and less compassionate when it is needed. i think too much. i get cranky when i am hungry or tired. i get pms trucker style. everything i want is in front of me and i cannot see it. i don't see my family as often as i would like. i spend too much money on dining. my waxes are too important to me. i want to get married. i am easily irritated. i say yes when i want to say no. i say no a lot. in jest. i close up when i am hurt. i don't always know what to say. i want you to love me. i fear the aging process. i dislike the taste of coffee. but i love the smell. i do not work out because i no longer belong to a gym. i talk in my sleep. i am very active in my rem cycle. i get hot and expect you to do something about it. i hate humidity. i am obsessive compulsive. i have to make the bed everyday. i need a lot of attention. i like to be the center of attention. it is all about me. except when it isn't. and i hate it.

okay, okay. i get it.


Whiskeymarie said...

But you'd be infinitely less interesting if you weren't all of those things.

At least that's what I tell myself...

Maurey Pierce said...

Gosh, who knew we had so much in common. :-)