Monday, December 11, 2006

all i want

i know that a gift registry for oneself is not a socially acceptable practice yet, but since i am light years ahead of everyone else on so many other fronts, i thought i would blast my wish list out there today. you'll get to know me a bit better. and isn't that what everyone wants?

plus, the only big news i have for today is that i have already had 11 gourmet chocolated malted milk balls.

in addition to the yoga bag, planner, hat, ring, and car scraper i have already requested (read: i assume those are already wrapped):

the color is fantastic:

my flick of the year:

tiffany. tiffany. tiffany:

filthy and gorgeous, just like me:

a photo printer. all i know is that i want it to be small and cute:

black bangle:

drool. happy holidays.

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