Thursday, December 07, 2006


in an effort to dispel the belief that i need the bf in any way, i decided that because of this, i would be doing holiday cards solo this year.

and so, i spent a saturday night writing out 50 cards.

1. smaller card = less writing = less b.s. for everyone
2. writing on a bed = cramped legs = sleepy legs = pain [ow. ow. ow. adjust]
3. writing out 50 cards alone = being stubborn = unnecessary stupidity (now who feels stupid?)

so there. now who feels stupid.

me. just me.

sometimes i wonder when i'll grow out of making a point without anyone caring.


1 comment:

Maurey Pierce said...

Next year, get photo cards from Target.
Pre-written, no need to feel any obligation to put clever messages on each. They're a godsend.