Friday, December 22, 2006

make me

warning::the following post might be too much information, even for those who know me.

don't say i didn't warn you.

one of the best things about the bf is that he likes to do it almost as much as i do. clearly, not as much (that would be stupid).

a long time without it is about 2.3 days for us, which is coincidentally the same length of time that we can go without getting into a fight. i wonder if those two things are related.

anyway, last night the bf played hockey. i watched. i use the term "watch" loosely because i had brought along reading material and finished it during the hour and a half long game. i looked up and tried to catch the bf in action and even spotted a couple of scores. of course when he asked how many goals he had, i enthustiatically said, "seven!"

when we got back to his house, we had tea and cinnamon rolls.

then i said, maybe we should go to bed.

the bf said, maybe we should do it.

you don't have to ask me twice.

i ran upstairs. let the sexing begin!

we were having the usual fantastic time (read: i was having an out-of-control o*) when he whispered, 'baby, you're going to make me..."

afterwards, i giggled.

he groggily lifted his head up.


i giggled again.


"i just love the way you always announce yourself when you're nearing the end."

and he does. every single time. giggle.

*ooco = i just made that up.

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