Monday, July 03, 2006

with love

today is my parent's thirtieth anniversary.

they are my inspiration for marriage. my parents still hold hands. they fight. my mom thinks my dad is cute. my dad likes to buy my mom things like diamonds, which she loves, but also ipods, which she doesn't but pretends to like. my dad travels a lot, but they talk to each other every night. they drive each other crazy, but they are crazy about each other. my mom thinks that street food is dirty, but my dad likes meat on a stick. my mom laughs out loud when my dad takes picture after picture of the turkey that visits our backyard every day. when my dad is on a business trip my mom takes pictures of the turkey and sends them to him. my mom holds a grudge. my dad has short, louds bursts of anger. my mom and dad fell in love over ice cream. my dad wooed my mom with roses and ran for miles to see her. my mom buys my dad shirts and socks. my dad told my mom that he would cook for the first 6 months of their marriage. he didn't tell her that he would stop after that. my mom and dad go together like the banana splits they share. my dad doesn't lie to my mom about her cooking. my mom tries to watch what my dad eats, but she loves to let him indulge. my mom looks like she's 30. my dad takes a million pictures of every event (like dinner). my parents are still very much in love.

they are the reason why i know happily ever after exists.

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