Thursday, October 19, 2006


babies, mama can bake after all!

i made "easy" apple crisp last night.

the bf's mom sent over a basket of apples. the boys have been going at 'em fast and furious, but there was a small gift bag full for me. what to do, what to do? i don't eat apples to the core, the acid plays with my mouth and makes me itchy and uncomfortable.

so i decided to make apple crisp.

pretty simple: white cake mix, brown sugar, butter, cinnamon. crumble over sliced apples.

bake for 50 minutes.

as soon as the i shut the oven door, before my silent gasp of delight, the bf asks, "you got everything? you didn't need to grease the pan?"

stifled gasp.

"it didn't say that i needed to": the words were out of my mouth as i quickly scanned the recipe and there it was in step 1: lightly grease a 9 x 13 baking dish.


why didn't i see it? is there some kind left brain/right brain issue when it comes to reading recipes? there is just. too. effing. much. per step.

anyway. it's a damn good apple crisp. ungreased pan notwithstanding.

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