Monday, October 23, 2006

nostril love

in humans the nasal cycle is the normal ultradian cycle of each nostril's blood vessels becoming engorged in swelling, then shrinking. during the course of a day they will switch over approximately every four hours or so. [wikipedia]

in addition to being entertaining, this blog is also educational!

the bf and i have a new love litmus.

i told him the aforementioned fact and then placed a finger under each nostril to figure out which one was being used. lefty. i did the same to me. righty. we were so broken up.

some time later, he placed a finder under my nostrils. righty. he was also utilizing righty. i claimed, "baby, we are in love again!"

i'm glad we can figure out if we love each other via our anatomical cues. how else would we know?

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