Tuesday, November 07, 2006


here is the skinny:

the bf is taking me hunting in duluth this weekend.

i am a little frightened by the idea.

last night he asked me if i had long johns or thermal underwear. i noticeably widened my eyes.

he told me that my mission for tonight would be to put together a warm outfit for hunting.

and my eyes. got a little. larger.

how warm?

i do not have mittens or long johns. i do not have a jeans that i can wear thermal underwear with. i do not have warm boots. i do not have clothing that is conducive to multiple layerings.

he told me that i will need to dress as if i was going skiing.

um? this is me skiing: white puffer vest with turtleneck. tights under jeans. cute little gloves. a pink hat. fun scarf.

the same outfit just doesn't seem to cut it as hunting gear.

sigh. i will definitely keep you posted on whether or not the bf shoots anything, as he will not give me a firearm even though we are going hunting together.

dress like a hunter. freeze like a hunter. stand by and cheer your bf on like a chump masquerading as a hunter. can't wait.

1 comment:

feisty said...

i hope you had a fun weekend. i'm leaving duluth for Minneapolis this weekend to get AWAY from husband's hunting excitement.

(PS lows are forcasted in the low TWENTIES around here, so i sure hope you weren't camping out!)