Sunday, November 26, 2006


so...i completely have sex on the brain.

all i wanna do the bf.

i can't stop thinking about it. doesn't help that i can't tell him. i haven't heard from him in a good 24 hours now. ouch.

but you know what else is great?
morning after breakfast. strike that. morning of breakfast. and guess what i stumbled across while internet shopping?


oh happy day! i love breakfast sandwiches. i realize i don't need a machine to make one, but it sure seems like it would be easier with than without. i am fully convinced that i will be happier and more satisfied armed with this machine while poaching an egg, toasting an english muffin, and warming meat. at the same time. minor exertion and waiting five minutes for a perfect mc...sophie.

breakfast or me? both, thank you very much.

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