Tuesday, November 14, 2006


here's the skinny:

12.15: my birthday party at jitters martini bar (it's a lovely basement joint full of gay boys and happy waitstaff and cute bartenders and yummy key lime martinis). plus, i have had my birthday party there for the past six years (since i was 19). it's a fricking tradition.

12.16: to duluth for the bf's family christmas celebration.

up until yesterday, the weekend seemed like it was going to be a fabulous one. why not? i love celebrating my birthday almost one month in advance, and i love parties, especially when they are in my honor!

yesterday at work they told us that the agency holiday party would also be on 12.16. on top of that, the shop is going to have a holiday celebration on (wait for it...) 12.16.

so now i have to choose?

whatever shall i do? wherever shall i go?

1 comment:

Guacaholic said...

#1 priority: your birthday (duh)
#2 priority: the bf's family xmas (because they could become your in-laws)... OR the agency party. Gee, does that help? That's just me - I always pick family events over work events (because accountants don't have to schmooze)...