Thursday, November 02, 2006


before halloween, we had snickers at work.

fun size.

i took one for the bf.

i gave it to him last thursday, right before hockey. with an appreciative glance and cursory thanks, he said he would have it after the game.

except we forgot.

the next day, to my delight, i found the snickers in my purse. I ate it.

i sent him a text message: i ate your snickers.

last night, i gave the bf a make-up snickers.

fun size.

he put it on the kitchen counter, saved for an after dinner treat.

n walked into the kitchen. spied the snickers. "is this yours?" i said, "you want it?" he said, "yes."

i let him take it.

i told the bf what happened, how i didn't think it was a big deal. ouch. sorry, didn't know it meant so much to you. told him i would get him another snickers. so. not. the point.

i looked at my watch. 830p. i said i had to go to my car to grab something. as soon as i cleared the side door i ran my little yellow jacket up to the gas station. huffing and puffing, i grabbed a snickers. "you sound like you've been running!" from the attendant.

as i ran back, i saw the bf's silhouette in the window. arms crossed. i entered the house, proudly presented the snickers, full-size, thank you very much.

"that's not going to make up for it," says the bf.

fun size, indeed.

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