Tuesday, August 08, 2006

got milk?

the bf regulates his weight by the magical powers of milk.

when he is feeling a bit overweight (on a fat day the boy is underweight), he will stock his fridge with skim milk.

when he is feeling a bit underweight (which is most days), he will buy 2%.

it is hilarious. i call him names on his fat days. like fatty fatterson. he prefers chubby mcfattypants.

sometimes i buy him t-shirts, but i always get them too small because i hold up a medium and think that there is no way he will fit into a medium. but then he puts on a small and we laugh because the shirt is so tight his nipples poke holes through it.

the last t-shirt i bought him says 'i love my girlfriend' across the chest. when you turn it inside out it says 'i hate my girlfriend.' i never know which side he is on.

i'm guessing it's going to be an inside out day though.

*this post was purely a test. the bf reads all my posts, and after each reading, i ask him what he thinks. yesterday's post was a snore, he said, "they can't all be my favorites." after this post, he said, "i loved it!"

why? i can only conclude that he favors blogs about himself. which isn't that weird, considering how self-absorbed he is. usually when i say, 'i love you,' he says, 'i love me, too!'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like milk.